Americana artist Sierra Ferrell thrives in solo songwriting career

Record companies running around in a fury screeching: "Where’s the next Soccer Mommy? Where’s the next rising female singer-songwriter coming out of the Nashville scene?" We here at The Deli Magazine don’t have a definite answer, but we can suggest former 600 Lbs Of Sin frontwoman Sierra Ferrell as a tough competitor. She’s busked around the country and built her following in her own way, choosing to blow with the wind and let her music take her where it will. Taking inspiration from Dolly and Emmylou, Ferrell makes Americana her own with her voice’s subtle warble and breadth of emotion. One of her latest singles "Little Bird" showcases her brilliant arrangements and musical talent; take a listen to it below. Ferrell has just wrapped up a tour of the US, so stay tuned for new music or new show dates. – Will Sisskind